sexta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2015


The blog O Cantinho do Marshmallow nominated me for this tag, thank you

The Rules:
1 - First write 11 facts about you. 
2 - Answer the questions asked by who referred you. 
3 - Indicate 11 blogs with less than 200 followers. 
4 - Make 11 questions for the 11 blogs that you indicated. 
5 - Add to post the photo of the Liebster seal. 
6 - Link back who referred you.

11 Facts About Me:
1 -  I have a huge passion for all types of Art but especially Cinema.
2 -  I'm writing a book.
3 -  I am certified as Multimedia Technician.
4 -  Contrary to what many people think my favorite color is not black but blue. 
5 -  If I like a movie or a book, I can see it or read it a thousand times.
6 -  I'm a perfectionist.
7 -  I'm only 1.56 m / 5ft 127/64in tall. 
8 -  I paint t-shirts by hand. 
9 -  I love tattoos, but I still don't have one. 
10 -  Since childhood I wanted to do volunteer work.

The 11 questions from the blog O Cantinho do Marshmallow:

1. Why did you start the blog and how the name came up?
I started this blog to share everything that I like to do, what I like to use, share events, help causes and help people. The name came from my brand [ARK], because I wanted the blog to be directed to the different perspectives of beauty I added the rest of the name.

2. What you intend with this blog?
I intend to do everything I said in the answer to the last question.

3. What blogs you usually follow daily / weekly?

Valentino, My Dear  

4. Are you reading a book? Playing any game? Following any series?

I am reading the book Fifty Shades Darker
I'm follow many series, I am obsessed with series.

5. Who is your favorite band or artist?
Very hard to say, I love all kinds of music, but at the moment maybe Ellie Goulding.

6. What is your favorite movie and why?

Currently the Divergent movie, I've seen him many times and I can not get tired of it, is perfect and as everything to do with me and my personality.

7. If you could wake up and have any job in the world, what would you be doing?
Director, Writer, Actress or Youtuber. (or four at the same time)

8. In an ideal future, how and where would you be in 10 years?
I would be in New Zealand, would have published my first book, with a job, happy and healthy.

9. What's your dream trip?

Italy or New Zealand.

10. What is your biggest dream? And your greatest fear?
My biggest dream is to publish a book. My biggest fear is not be able to deal with fear.

11. What is your life motto or idea for which you guide your life?
Be the best version of yourself,
don't do to others what you wouldn't like them to do to you.

The 11 blogs that indicate to answer this tag are:
  3. Valentino, My Dear 
  4. The Girl In A Blue Scarf 
  5. Laço de Fita 
  6. Blog Jênni Araujo
  7. Adoro Testar 
  8. Descobrir Glamour 
  9. On Her Shoes
  10. All The Rage
  11. Mode and Macarons

The 11 Questions For The Ones Tagged By Me:
1. Why did you start the blog and how the name came up?
2. What you intend with this blog? 
3. What blogs you usually follow daily / weekly?
4. Are you reading a book? Playing any game? Following any series?
5. Who is your favorite band or artist?
6. What is your favorite movie and why?
7. If you could wake up and have any job in the world, what would you be doing?
8. In an ideal future, how and where would you be in 10 years?
9. What's your dream trip?
10. What is your biggest dream? And your greatest fear?
11. What is your life motto or idea for which you guide your life?


6 comentários:

  1. Congrats! Love your answers.

  2. Obrigada! Não sei se vou aderir às tags... Mas agradeço-te imenso :) beijinhooos

  3. Congrats on the nomination! I'm the same with tattoos I love them but don't have any! // UK Fashion Blog

    1. Thank you... Tattos made me the creative mind that I am today, I love them :)
      Love, Ana
